“What’s Past is Prologue”

In Act 2, Scene 1 of The Tempest, the character of Antonio declares to his comrade, “What’s past is prologue, what to come / In yours and my discharge.” Though fairly sinister in its context — Antonio is trying to convince his companion to commit a murder! — the statement has since been adopted to convey the dialogue between past, present, and future. How many of us have looked back on the events that shaped our present moment, or considered how a choice made today would influence “what to come”?

As adult as these concerns seem — however mature this relationship to time — these kinds of questions are also helpful when working with young actors. Think, for instance, about how challenging it can be for children to relate to the roles they take on. If and when this happens, you can ask them: Are there moments in your background that remind you of the character’s situation? What memories of past experiences can shape your approach to the future performance?

Playing a part in a play is not just about discovering a character; it is about an actor discovering more about themselves.

So much of Theatre evokes a world of imagination, possibility — and even hope — for the audience. All of these elements call upon the actor’s own connection to the role: “what’s past is prologue” to their interpretation of a given part . . . “what to come” is in their control.


“Summer Days” ©

Just as Shakespeare’s plays offer dramatic worlds complete in themselves, by turns full of Romance, Comedy, and Tragedy, so too do his Sonnets present perfectly-crafted expressions of experience. Each only 14 lines, the Sonnets are exquisite mediations on love and art itself.

None is more famous than Sonnet 8, “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?” We have discussed its particular lyricism here; but as we are properly on the threshold of summer, the words have all the more impact. Children and teachers alike will now be counting the days to vacation, and so will find special meaning in this sonnet. When Shakespeare writes of the sun as “the eye of heaven,” how vividly it brings to mind the long and lazy days of the season. And the “darling buds of May” — even if shaken by “rough winds” — capture the promise of summer blossoms. 

Certainly all would agree that “summer’s lease hath all too short a date”(!). Of course, Shakespeare explores the qualities of the season in order to juxtapose the vagaries of nature with the constancy — the “eternal summer” — of his beloved.

But how well too the strength of his imagery captures our broader, and equally eternal, love affair with summer itself. 

“The Play’s the Thing”

Among the most quoted words from Hamlet ― and indeed Shakespeare’s entire body of work ― is the phrase, “The play’s the thing.” Appearing at the end of Act II, Scene 2, the phrase refers to Hamlet’s plan to stage a play dramatizing the murder of his father. Longing to provoke a confession of guilt from his murderous uncle Claudio, the young prince declares: “The play’s the thing / Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king.”

Considered within the context of Hamlet’s obsession with avenging his father’s death, the quotation speaks to both ingenuity and desperation. Yet in itself, “the play’s the thing” has entered popular culture as a means of expressing the importance of the theatrical experience.

That is certainly how we used it in our SFOC productions. It became a statement of purpose both when we talked about the possibilities for a future production – “Remember, the play’s the thing!” ― as well as in those more intensive periods of behind-the-scenes preparation. Whenever one of our young actors came to rehearsals without knowing their lines, the rest of the troupe would chorus, “The play’s the thing!”

Minor questions about such things as costume details (or who had the bigger part), were often resolved with a gentle reminder that these personal issues had little place in the production itself. After all . . . “the play’s the thing.” Parents and teachers know well how hard it can be to impress upon children a sense of responsibility. What “the play’s the thing” offered to our performers was a means of expressing the importance of coming together to serve a greater purpose ― and, at the same time, understanding the privilege of doing so.

Favorite Books: “Shakespeare’s Flowers”

Now that Spring has sprung, it seems appropriate to highlight a particularly lovely book: Shakespeare’s Flowers, written by Jessica Kerr (with illustrations by Anne Ophelia Dowden). First published in 1969 and still available here, this insightful and highly readable work traces the significance of flowers across Shakespeare’s oeuvre. 

Given the complexity of Shakespeare’s characterizations, it is easy to consider the plays as explorations of purely human nature. As Kerr points out, though, the myriad depictions of flowers attest to the symbolic language of the botanical world. “Shakespeare liked to use flowers as images to illustrate his ideas about people,” Kerr writes, noting that they helped to convey “what [individuals] looked like, their characters, and their actions.” Whether discussing Ophelia’s wildflowers or the “rose by any other name” invoked by Juliet, the magical blossoms in A Midsummer Night’s Dream or the daffodils of A Winter’s Tale, Kerr captures the spectrum of Shakespeare’s natural imagery.

Yet there is also the historical importance of these images to consider. According to Kerr, Shakespeare’s writing gives us a “wonderful picture of the English countryside and of the gardens and flowers” which featured in his personal landscape. In so engaging with the flowers that populate his plays, we are implicitly engaging with the natural world as Shakespeare knew it. And that, as Kerr reminds us, could be as dramatic as any theatrical stage!


Treasure Trove: “Opera, Ballet and the Bard”

As part of our Treasure Trove series in which we highlight wonderful resources, we at Shakespeare For Our Children want to recommend an exciting BBC documentary entitled “Opera, Ballet and the Bard” – watch it here. This hour-long production (originally streamed live) offers an in-depth exploration of how Shakespeare’s works gain new life in dance and music. 

Not only does the documentary present innovative interpretations of familiar pieces, but it also shows the rehearsal process for dancers and singers as they hone their performances. It is a marvellous opportunity for children to see how professionals approach their craft – and it may even inspire the young performers to rehearse with all the more zeal and determination!

Also striking is how Shakespeare’s words “translate” to different art forms – how the turn of a line is paralleled in a given melody or series of dance steps. Ultimately, a production such as this helps students understand Shakespeare’s own infinite variety.

“Mercy Born of Understanding”

As we discussed in a recent postMeasure for Measure invites its audience to think about the ways that “our doubts are traitors” standing in the way of positive action. Though she is hesitant at first, heroine Isabella must overcome her own doubts and plead with Duke Angelo for her brother’s life. 

In this exchange from Act II, Scene 1, the Duke insists that the young man must be punished for his crime. (Listen below.) Isabella, though, makes her appeal with a mixture of reason and emotion. She asks the Duke to imagine himself in her brother’s place — and to appreciate the latter’s benevolence: “If he had been as you, and you as he / You would have slipp’d like him; but he, like you / Would not have been so stern.” Which is to say — as Isabella conveys — mercy born of understanding could mean the difference between life and death. 

The stakes are at their very highest here, but they find a more everyday parallel in a teacher’s own negotiation of difficult situations. As educators, we aim to know “the rules” of everything from the classroom to the playground, and we try to instil their importance in our students. But like the Duke, we are often faced with moments when it is more important to open our eyes to a student’s unique circumstances than to follow blindly the rules of crime-and-punishment.

We earn respect from our students so that we can run our classrooms and teach them as best we can. But like the Duke, sometimes we must learn that, in Isabella’s words, “No ceremony that to great ones longs [ . . . ] become[s] them with one half so good a grace / as mercy does.”


New Ways to “Play On”

In his comedy Twelfth Night, Shakespeare famously wrote, “If music be the food of love, play on.” As the Holiday Season is upon us, we are indeed faced with a veritable kaleidoscope of festivities – and any number of moments in which we all “play on”! From Christmas shopping to Thanksgiving dinners, lighting the Hanukkah candles to wrapping presents, this is a time of high cheer and good fun.

Yet with the season can come an underlying chaos, and at times, it is essential to pause and find moments of serenity. We at Shakespeare For Our Children suggest making the Bard your holiday oasis. More lilting than any Christmas carol, Shakespeare’s words can help introduce a meditative rhythm to all of the hustle and bustle. Listen here to the Twelfth Night piece mentioned above, or read aloud a scene from the play. Or, if you’re feeling introspective, explore “To Be or Not To Be”! Restorative and engaging, sharing these works of art – or just keeping them as a present to yourself – will help make the Holiday Season all the more joyous.

“Our Doubts are Traitors”

In Act I, Scene 4 of Measure for Measure, heroine Isabella learns that her brother Claudio has been sentenced to death. Lucio, his friend, urges a reluctant Isabella to plead with the stern Duke Angelo on her brother’s behalf: “Our doubts are traitors/ And make us lose the good we oft might win/ By fearing to attempt.”

A few posts ago, we talked about strategies for making more reserved children feel confident in taking to the stage; certainly Shakespeare’s words would be enormously persuasive. There is something about the personification of those doubts – characterising them as “traitors” rather than formless feelings – that can help children identify the danger they present.

Yet how applicable these lines are to any number of situations, for children and adults alike! Shakespeare explores these issues of selfhood across his works – take Hamlet’s “To Be or Not to Be” soliloquy as the most famous example. In Lucio’s expression above, Shakespeare highlights the treachery that we risk committing against ourselves. In acknowledging those traitors as such, even as they tell us to hesitate or not try at all, we come closer to keeping them silent.

As the play continues, Isabella overcomes those doubts and indeed intervenes on her brother’s behalf. Stay tuned for our next post, when we look more closely at Isabella and Angelo’s encounter!

“Leave Her to Heaven”

It’s almost Halloween, and so time to reflect on some of Shakespeare’s more chilling moments! In an earlier post, we explored the eerie impact of Hamlet’s fateful meeting with his father’s ghost. Setting the tone for the ensuing exploration of revenge and madness, this Act I, Scene 5 encounter introduces a supernatural quality that shades the entire play.

Arguably one of the more sinister statements made by Hamlet’s father ― identified only as Ghost in the text ― relates to Gertrude, his unfaithful wife who is now married to his brother. Even as the Ghost seeks vengeance for his murder, he advises Hamlet not to include his mother in any such plots. “[L]eave her to heaven,” he admonishes, “And to those thorns that in her bosom lodge / To prick and sting her.”

Hundreds of years later, Hollywood would produce its own variation on this theme with Leave Her to Heaven (1945). Based on the novel of the same name and starring the marvelous Gene Tierney, the film traces the machinations of a most destructive femme fatale. Like Gertrude, she is beyond earthly justice ― instead, she carries within her the “thorns” of her own undoing.

Leave Her to Heaven is a golden-age classic that, admittedly, might be better Halloween viewing for parents and teachers than their young performers! But no matter its audience, the film illustrates just how close the Elizabethan stage is to the Silver Screen.


“Every Word Counts”

Over the years at ‘Shakespeare For Our Children’ we have been so fortunate to have taught enormously enthusiastic young actors. One of the rewards of introducing children to Shakespeare is being able to watch them bring centuries-old words alive ― before anyone can tell them that the plays are “boring.”

That being said, anyone who has taught any subject understands that there are moments that can test even the most dedicated educator. One challenge is impressing upon students the need to learn their lines and get “off-book” (!). These situations can be a case of extremes: there are performers who know everyone else’s lines as well as their own, and then other children who never want to let go of their scripts. This can come from shyness or insecurity, or perhaps a reluctance to spend the time it takes to memorize their part.

Some students may find that they would rather be part of the valuable behind-the-scenes team; still others may need more personalised support. One strategy is to remind the child that each performance is a privilege ― a chance to transport the audience into stories of drama or comedy, romance or tragedy. By focusing on what each word will bring to the audience, you  remind the student that it is not about learning something for its own sake, but about sharing that knowledge with others.

As Marchette Chute reminds us in An Introduction to Shakespeare, the Bard used “poetry as a tool for his stagecraft,” evoking entire worlds on even the barest stages. And as actors, it is essential to become fluent in that poetry to make the audience’s journey worthwhile.